Striking Out
I believe there is much truth to the notion that we are pushed to be our best. My career as an Illustrator and Graphic Designer had become increasingly stressful and unsatisfying to the point that I decided to resign with little savings and an idealistic plan of working for myself. I was terrified to do this but I was more afraid of what would become of me if I didn't. While establishing this plan I took a part time job at one of my favorite fashion retailers. Nearly everyday I was complimented by customers about my handmade jewelry and clothing. Even told that this multi million dollar company should be carrying my pieces. And additionally I must say that I learned allot from my retail fashion idol that I will be forever grateful for, however another common thought is don't meet your idols. On my way to work the next big undeniable push for change came again. I knew if I didn't change my course literally and immediately I would be stuck. I veered off the road and made a u-turn like a bandit breaking out of jail. I drove straight to the local jewelry supply store, bought some supplies, went home and got to work. I have always been a pretty reliable and responsible person but there comes a time in life when neither of those things are as important as saving yourself will ever be. I know that striking out in more ways than one is something that just had to be done!